ADEXP (ATS Data Exchange Presentation)

  • ADEXP is a format, not a protocol. No restrictions are imposed on the transmission media or protocols to be used, other than that of the character set.
  • ADEXP provides a format for use in on-line, computer to computer message exchange and for message exchange over switched messaging networks (e.g. AFTN, CIDIN, AMHS).
The ADEXP format has been specified for use within the following areas of message exchange:
  1. Flight Planning: exchange of flight plan data and associated messages between the Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System (IFPS), Air Traffic Services (ATS) and Aircraft Operators (AO).
  2. Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM): exchange of messages between the Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (ETFMS) of the CFMU, AO and ATS.
  3. Air Traffic Control Co-ordination: exchange of tactical co-ordination messages between Air Traffic Control Units (ATCU).
  4. Civil / Military Co-ordination: messages concerning civil/military flight data and airspace crossing messages.
  5. Airspace Management: exchange of data between National ATS Units, the CFMU and AO, concerning airspace availability.
  6. SSR codes management: messages between the Centralised SSR Code Assignment and Management System (CCAMS) and Air Traffic Control Units (ATCU).
  7. Messages to and from systems external to CFMU (including IFPS and ETFMS) that have been identified as Flight Progress Messages.

ACH ATC Flight Plan Amendment Message

ADEG ATS Data Exchange Group

ADEXP ATS Data Exchange Presentation

AFIL Air-Filed Flight Plan

AFP ATC Flight Plan Proposal

AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network

ANM ATFM Notification Message

AO Aircraft Operator(s)

APL ATC Flight Plan

ATC Air Traffic Control

ATCU Air Traffic Control Unit(s)

ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management

ATS Air Traffic Services

BNF Backus Naur Form

CASA Computer Assisted Slot Allocation

CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network

CFL Cleared Flight Level

CFMU Central Flow Management Unit

CMTP Common Medium-Term Plan

CNL Cancellation Message

CTOT Calculated Take-Off Time

DNM Directorate Network Management

DPS Data Processing Systems Domain

ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference

EFL Estimated Flight Level

EOBT Estimated Off-Block Time

ETFMS Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System (of the CFMU)

ETO Estimated Time Over

EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

FIR Flight Information Region
FMP Flow Management Position

FNM Flight Notification Message

FPL Flight Plan Message (ICAO format)

GAT General Air Traffic

IA International Alphabet

IAFP Individual ATC Flight Plan Proposal

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

IFPD Individual Flight Plan Data

IFPS Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System


IFR Instrument Flight Rules

ISO International Standards Organisation

ITA International Telegraph Alphabet

LAM Logical Acknowledgement Message

LRM Logical Rejection Message

MAC Co-ordination Abrogation Message

MFS Message from Shanwick

OAT Operational Air Traffic

OLDI On-Line Data Interchange

ORA Operational Requirements and Acceptance

RFL Requested Flight Level

RFP Replacement Flight Plan

RFPD Repetitive Flight Plan Data

RPL Repetitive Flight Plan

RVR Runway Visual Range

SFL Supplementary Flight Level

SRD Software Requirements Document

SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar

UIR Upper Information Region

VFR Visual Flight Rules



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