
Showing posts from May, 2017

ADEXP (ATS Data Exchange Presentation)

ADEXP is a format, not a protocol. No restrictions are imposed on the transmission media or protocols to be used, other than that of the character set. ADEXP provides a format for use in on-line, computer to computer message exchange and for message exchange over switched messaging networks (e.g. AFTN, CIDIN, AMHS).

Radar Terms

Term Meaning      Azimuth         : Angle along the earth horizon Bearing         : Angle along the artificial horizon (deck) Elevation         : Angle above or below the horizon Range         : Distance along the plane established by the horizon Slant Range : Distance along the true line of sight True         : Angle in earth coordinates with true north as the reference Relative         : Angle in deck-plane coordinates using vehicle heading as the reference Rectangular : Cartesian coordinates typically known as X, Y, and Z Spherical         : Polar coordinates typically known as range, bearing, and elevation