
Showing posts from 2017

Eurocontrol ITWP

ITWP (Integrated Tower Working Position) Soon...

Thales TopSky






Time Based Seperation (TBS)


VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

A  very small aperture terminal  ( VSAT ) is a two-way  satellite  ground station with a dish antenna that is smaller than 3.8 meters. The majority of VSAT antennas range from 75 cm to 1.2 m. Data rates, in most cases, range from 4 kbit/s up to 16 Mbit/s. VSATs access satellites in geosynchronous orbit or geostationary orbit to relay data from small remote Earth stations (terminals) to other terminals (in mesh topology) or master Earth station "hubs" (in star topology).


A radio link is a wireless connection (also called wireless Point-to-Point connection) between two nodes, or radio units, in a data network.

What does RHP stand for?

RHP : Radar Head Processor

ACARS: Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System

ACARS is a digital data link system for the transmission of messages between aircraft and ground stations, which has been in use since 1978. At first it relied exclusively on VHF channels but more recently, alternative means of data transmission have been added which have greatly enhanced its geographical coverage. There has also been a rapid trend towards the integration of aircraft systems with the ACARS link. Both have led to rapid growth in its use as an operational communications tool. Modern ACARS equipment now includes the facility for automatic as well as manual initiation of messaging. ARINC guidelines have been defined for all the various avionic components of ACARS.

ADEXP (ATS Data Exchange Presentation)

ADEXP is a format, not a protocol. No restrictions are imposed on the transmission media or protocols to be used, other than that of the character set. ADEXP provides a format for use in on-line, computer to computer message exchange and for message exchange over switched messaging networks (e.g. AFTN, CIDIN, AMHS).

Radar Terms

Term Meaning      Azimuth         : Angle along the earth horizon Bearing         : Angle along the artificial horizon (deck) Elevation         : Angle above or below the horizon Range         : Distance along the plane established by the horizon Slant Range : Distance along the true line of sight True         : Angle in earth coordinates with true north as the reference Relative         : Angle in deck-plane coordinates using vehicle heading as the reference Rectangular : Cartesian coordinates typically known as X, Y, and Z Spherical         : Polar coordinates typically known as range, bearing, and elevation

Leonardo 2017 World Air Traffic Management (ATM) Congress in Madrid

Leonardo’s air traffic control innovations are on show at the 2017 World Air Traffic Management (ATM) Congress in Madrid "Leonardo has also been shortlisted for the Jane’s ATC Awards 2017, taking place during the Show (7th March), in the “Technology Award - reflecting a significant contribution by equipment and systems suppliers” category, for its comprehensive modernisation of ATM systems under Turkey’s SMART (Systematic Modernisation of ATM Resources in Turkey) project now underway, aiming to enhance the country’s ATC infrastructure and services."

Istanbul New Airport gets Integrated Tower System

Istanbul New Airport gets Integrated Tower System

BADA - Base of Aircraft Data

The Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) is an Aircraft Performance Model (APM) developed and maintained by EUROCONTROL, with the active cooperation of aircraft manufacturers and operating airlines. The BADA APM is designed for simulation and prediction of aircraft trajectories for purposes of ATM research and operations. Aircraft performance parameters and trajectories can be calculated using information and data contained in BADA. To replicate reality in both operational and research modelling and simulation systems, each and every real aircraft needs a corresponding aircraft model. BADA factsheet:


EOBT is Estimated Off Blocks Time : The flight plan time for the flight to be ready for departure. ATC usually allow a tolerance of +/- 15 minutes. TOBT, Target Off Blocks TIme , is a more accurate measure, usually within +/- 5 minutes, which tells the local CDM system and NMOC Brussels when the airline believes a flight will be ready. From this, a TTOT is calculated (Target Take Off Time) , which may be adjusted to allow for departure separations, CTOT etc, and then working backwards will provide a TSAT (Target Start Approval Time) which will provide both ATC and the airline the most suitable start up time given all the factors that the local CDM system takes into account.

ASTERIX (ATC standard)

ASTERIX  (short for  All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange ) is a standard for the exchange of  air traffic services  (ATS) information. It is developed and maintained by the  European  ATS organization  Eurocontrol . ASTERIX not only stands for All-Purpose Structured Eurocontrol  Surveillance   Infor mation  Exchange but also represents a state-of-the-art surveillance  data  format which is nearly being adopted by the world users  community  as the universal  standard  in this  domain  today

ARTAS (ATM SuRveillance Tracker And Server)

ARTAS is a system designed by  Eurocontrol  in order to help in  Aerial surveillance  and  Air traffic control . It can establish an accurate Air Situation Picture of all traffic over a well-defined geographical area (e.g.  ECAC ), and to distribute the relevant surveillance information to a community of user systems.

Phoenix (ATC)

PHOENIX  is a multipurpose  Radar Data Processing System(RDPS)  /  Surveillance Data Processing System (SDPS)  -  a.k.a. tracker  - used for many ATC applications in the  Deutsche Flugsicherung  (DFS), and is continuously extended and maintained ever since. PHOENIX is also foreseen as a fundamental component for all future ATM systems in the DFS into the 2020s and part of the DFS initiative for “ATS componentware” in the European  SESAR  programme.